We have been keeping an eye on air quality and will be taking the kids outside to play provided that the air quality is good. Please apply sunscreen at home before school or turn in the permission slip to allow us to put on sunscreen before going outside!
As the weather gets hotter, please be sure to send a water bottle to school with your child that they will be able to take outside, as well as, use inside. We encourage the students to be drinking water throughout the school day!
As kindergarten grows very close for our graduated pre-kindergarteners, our nap time is transitioning to a quiet time. The students lay on their mat for about 20-30 minutes quietly and then work on quiet activities during our rest time.
Special Guest!!
We will be having a special guest on Monday at 10:00 ~ Eric and Angelyne, his AMAZING deaf cattle dog!Weekly Outlook:
Spanish -- Conversational words & phrasesMath -- Numbers 7-10
Science -- Experiment
Literacy -- Letters G, H, I
Social Studies -- British Bobby & Palace Guard
Learning Centers:
Art: Summer CraftDramatic Play: Circus
Literacy/Technology: Easy Reader (The Plane) & Computer