I am updating this blog to add the Show & Tell for Friday! ...
"Something special to me!" Have fun! See you Friday! :)
Already the second week of the new school year! Yippee! We are starting to settle into our daily routines and your child is quickly learning to navigate the new classroom. We are slowly adding more academic lessons to our day. You should start seeing papers being sent home next week!
Each week on the blog we will have a brief outline of the week's theme and activities, plus any updates or info that might be helpful to you as a parent. Thanks for taking the time to stay connected with the class!
Monthly Theme: All About Me
Social Studies: Australia
Literacy: Alphabet Song & start learning finger spelling
Math: Sorting
Shape & Color: Square, Rainbow
Please feel free to ask us any questions or share any suggestions. My email is: ssykes@tpaak.org or you can also email Ms. Scheffer at scheffer.chelsea@yahoo.com