Each week on the blog we will have a brief outline of the week's theme and activities, plus any updates or info that might be helpful to you as a parent. We will also post the monthly newsletter when it comes out. (The August newsletter is posted below.) Thanks for taking the time to stay connected with the class!
Monthly Theme: All About Me
Social Studies: Classroom tour and guidelines
Literacy: Alphabet Song
Math: Counting intro
Shape & Color: Square, Rainbow
Please feel free to ask us any questions or share any suggestions. My email is: ssykes@tpaak.org or you can also email Ms. Scheffer at scheffer.chelsea@yahoo.com
August Newsletter:
Dear Parents, August 8, 2011
Welcome to Mrs. Sykes and Ms. Scheffer’s Pre-K class! We are so excited to have your child in our pre-k class! We are looking forward to getting to know you better this school year.
Ms. Scheffer and I are co-teaching this year, as I am expecting a baby in December! She will be taking over for me while I have my baby. This way, the transition between teachers will hopefully be much easier for your child. Mrs. K is returning as our afternoon pre-k teacher.
There are a few “classroom logistics” to cover. Our classroom is set up just a little differently from the preschool room. Here are some of the things you will need to know:
Cubbies and Nap Time things:
Students will each be assigned one of the cubby drawers at the entrance to our room. They will be for:
- Any personal items for your child (very small!)
- A small blanket, crib sheet and/or stuffed animal for nap time.
- Change of clothes for accidents (these will need to be updated as weather changes and your child grows! J):
- 1 pair of socks
- 1 pair pants
- 1 pair of underwear
- 1 shirt
Lunch Boxes:
For those of you who send a packed lunch for your child, please leave the lunch boxes on top of the cubby drawers in the morning. This will be the only personal item that does not have to fit into the cubby drawer.
Water Bottles:
Please send water bottles! We do not have a water fountain in our room, and the one in the hallway is too high for most of our class. Thank you for helping us keep your child well hydrated! J
Backpacks and hooks:
Each child will be assigned a mailbox in our classroom. The number for their mailbox is the same as their cubby number and hook number. We will put any worksheets, art projects and information for parents in these boxes. Although there will not be papers sent home everyday, you can count on about 2-3 days a week or more. Please check your child’s box daily. I’ll write it one more time, just because I know how easy it is to forget. J CHECK YOUR CHILD’S MAILBOX DAILY! Thanks so much!
Toys from Home:
For safety and sanitary reasons, please do not allow your children to bring toys from home to school. The only exception would be on Show & Tell Fridays. Then the students are to leave their show & tell in their cubbies during the day.
Dress Attire:
Many of our young girls are very active! When your daughter wears a dress or skirt, please have them wear shorts or tights to cover up their underclothes.
Blog Page:
Our class has a blog page! http://www.tpaak.blogspot.com/ We will post the monthly theme, show and tell for the week, and other info about our class. You can also email us at ssykes@tpaak.org or scheffer.chelsea@yahoo.com .
Sarah Sykes, Chelsea Scheffer, and Jada Kankle